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(06/04/2011) Learning to Ride without training wheels
Kat is fearless when it comes to trying new thing. Of course she has her amazing big bother to show her all the cool things she can do.
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(07/09/2009) Kat turns 3
The night before Kat turned 3, I walked in to give both kids a kiss before I went to sleep. When I did I was overcome with sadness at how fast they are growing up. I will miss my little babies knowing they will never be so small again. Of course there were plenty of days this past year that I wished the terrible 2’s would end, but now as she grows up it makes me sad. Yet at the same time excited for all the new adventures we will have as a family.
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(05/30/2009) Cade's Seed Company
Last fall Cade and his grandpa Donovan came up with a great idea during their annual visit in August. Cade’s Seed Company. During Cade’s 2nd grade year he was suppose to start working on drawing the seed packets and putting them together. As the school year was nearing an end we put it in high gear and the whole family started working on it. Cade drew all the pictures then we would send the pictures as well as the text to Grandpa Donovan. Once he had the packet ready he would email back to us. Then we would print, cut, fold and glue all the packets.
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(05/05/2007) Fairmont Hot Springs
Last year we had so much fun at Fairmont Hot Springs we decided to make it a tradition. So this year the four of us headed over for our night at the pool. Cade has been talking about it for weeks now!...
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(05/01/2007) Kat takes a step
Kat took her first steps today! Cade was sitting at the dining room table while I was in the kitchen. Kat was standing next to him with a toy in her had, and she took a step didn’t even fall over. T...
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