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(08/18/2006) First trip to Great Falls for the weekend

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On Friday Hank and Cade left bright and early this morning to meet Tom and Bonnie in Lincoln. Cade was so excited to go stay with his grandparents for the weekend. Once Hank dropped him off he did a little metal detecting at clear water junction on the way home.

Elissa called the day before Cade was leaving to say she would be in town on Friday night. We haven’t seen them in almost 3 years, I was excited for their family to arrive, but bummed that Cade wouldn’t be able to see Bridger. Elissa Trip Bidger, and Bryn got here at about 4 in the afternoon. We ended up going to Bonner Park and letting the kids play while Kathryn slept in the stroller. Later I picked up Hank as well as some Tower Pizza and we had dinner at the park. They stayed the night tonight, but since they brought there camper trailer they ended up sleeping outside. It was great to see them.

Cade came home on late Sunday night with lots and lots of stories. Fishing trips, swimming, drawing, catching spiders he had a blast. When I asked him if he missed us he said not one little bit…

He also came home with four quarters from the tooth fairy. He lost his second tooth on Thursday, but kept it in his suitcase so the tooth fairy wouldn’t take it. On Friday he brought it to show his grandparents and put it under his pillow in Great Falls. It worked out pretty neat since he lost his first tooth on July 29th, and that evening we drove to Bigfork so the tooth fairy made a trip to Bigfork and Great Falls.