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On Monday night my mom drove to Missoula to stay the night. We packed up the car that night so we would be ready to hit the road at 6:00AM. And like clock work we were rolling out of the house on time. As we pulled out of the drive way, Kat and Cade were yelling bye dad bye dad and waving. We were all excited to get started Kat stayed awake for about an 1 1/2, and as we made our way over the pass she fell asleep. As we arrived at Post Falls Idaho Kat woke up. We called Rachel to see where her grandpa lives after some confusing directions with the conversation ending and Rachel saying I don't pay attention to the names of streets, we found our way. We stayed for a little bit then started on our way with Rachel, Braden and Kayla. Got some gas and we were off. We made it to Ritzville, Washington where me made a stop for lunch. It was perfect as we pulled into town there was a sign that said city park, so we followed it. We had a picnic and let the kids run around for at least an hour.