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(05/05/2007) Fairmont Hot Springs

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Last year we had so much fun at Fairmont Hot Springs we decided to make it a tradition. So this year the four of us headed over for our night at the pool. Cade has been talking about it for weeks now! Telling any stranger or friend who would listen that we were going to Fairmont for the weekend. That we had to buy another noodle since last year all three of us wanted it, but there was only one.

When we got there we immediately put on our swimsuits and headed for the pool. I bought Kat two swim suits. The first one we tried had the floaters inside of it, but once she went in the water the float part was hitting her in the face, so luckily I had bought a second one that was just a swim suit which worked out perfect.

Cade kicked around on his noodle and paddle board, we played catch with the ball. After awhile I headed back to the room with Kat while the boys stayed a bit longer. We went to dinner at the hotel and then back to the pool. After awhile I took Kat back to the room so she could go to sleep. It took her awhile to fall asleep, but once she did she slept all night. When Hank and Cade came back from the pool, Cade and I left for the pool so Hank could stay with Kat while she slept. It wasn’t until 10 that we finally called it a night at the pool. Cade wanted to sleep next to me tonight so I said o.k. Boy does he move around a lot at night. At one point his head was on my feet!

The next morning Kat and I woke up at 6:30 and left the room quietly to head down to the dining room. We had a little oatmeal, and milk then headed back up to wake everyone up so we could go swimming again. After about an hour Kat started getting tired and actually fell asleep on my shoulder in the water. I held her for about 15 minutes in the water then walked her back to the room to finish her nap. Shortly after that Hank and Cade came up and we backed up the room, ate a late breakfast and headed home.

It was a short trip, but very fun. Cade said his favorite part was swimming… and he must have spent at least 7 hours in there.