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I can't remember the name, but we were on the border of Idaho and Montana.

This last week was Cade was in MOLA. After a sleepover and hike he lost his Ipod. About 10 minutes from the van he set it down to have a snow ball fight. When he got the van he remembered where it was, but the councilors said they couldn't go back.

He was so bummed when he got home that night. the next day we ended up driving there to see if we could find it. It took about an hour to get there. Once we started hiking I wasn't sure it we should be doing this. I had Kat that is 6 and started getting tired about 5 minutes into the hike. Cade insisted it wasn't very far, luckily he was right. It was exactly where he said it would be.

We left it off for the entire ride home and didn't turn it on until way later. When we did we were all so excited it turned on.

Turned out to be a beautiful hike!