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This was one of my most memorable days ever....

When I ran the 1/2 marathon a few years back with Deena and Sarah Cade did the kid full marathon where you have 3 months to walk 26 miles and on race day you run 1 mile. He was so bummed to get a plastic metal after he saw mine. He said he wanted to run the 1/2 marathon with me. The next few years didn't work out, but this year I said o.k. He still seemed young at 11, but he was determined so we did it.

Training with him was great. Some days we would take kat in the stroller and some days we would run by ourselves. walk/run as far as we could go. The most we ever went was about 6 miles. So of course the night of the race I was so nervous that we weren't ready for this. Either it was going to be the best experience ever or we might not finish...

Turned out to be the best experience ever, so incredible positive. Hank and Kat dropped us off at 5:30AM at the starting line. The race started at 6. Everyone was giving Cade encouragement for being so young and taking on the 1/2 marathon. When the gun went off we started, the sun was just coming over the mountains, it was beautiful. We ran the first 2 miles without stopping. After that we ran/walked the rest. Pushing each other the entire way. One would say o.k. let's walk for a bit, after a few minutes the other would say let's run.

We did it just under 3 hours. We were both on cloud 9 when the race was over. And Cade had his real metal!