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This year was just the 4 of us on the 4th. We had such a great night,.

It started off with a feast.... Alaskan king crab, corn on the cob, Filet Mignon followed by Mexican mouse for dessert.

We had a bet going who could go the longest without watching TV. Cade broke down at Fort Missoula watching a documentary, but we decided that was o.k. so he was still in. Everyone went for 5 days. Which turned out to be great. The bet was if Hank and I broke down first we would owe each kid $20.00 and if they watched plugged in they would have to cook dinner. Turned out we all won so we decided to cook a great dinner together thus the Alaskan Crab, it was by far the best dinner ever. Everyone had a great time.

Afterwards we went for a really long walk through the university playing I spy on paper along the way. When we got home we got in the best water fight of all times. I was definitely not on the winning team. water guns, water balloons and hoses right in the face were used, but we all laughed and had some fun. After we dried off we made our way to Sentinel to watch the fireworks. Perfect night!