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(07/09/2009) Kat turns 3

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The night before Kat turned 3, I walked in to give both kids a kiss before I went to sleep. When I did I was overcome with sadness at how fast they are growing up. I will miss my little babies knowing they will never be so small again. Of course there were plenty of days this past year that I wished the terrible 2’s would end, but now as she grows up it makes me sad. Yet at the same time excited for all the new adventures we will have as a family.

July 9th, 2009. Kat comes running into our room at 7:00 and says “me ready to go to my birthday party now” Oh yeah!!! She was so excited! We told her she could run and get the present on the kitchen table from grandma and grandpa Casalegno that had arrived yesterday. As she ran to get that I woke up Cade so we could all sit on the bed as she opened her first present. The first thing she opened was some summer outfits. She held them for a moment and said “oh beautiful” then threw them at her dad and said “See” The cooking supplies were a bit hit she kept saying “wow wow wow” a Dora book and a white sponge for the shower. I think she would have been perfectly happy if that is was it, but we were just getting started.

Alex came over at 8 to spend the morning with us. (Jason went to Silver Wood with Deena and a friend for the day) We all had a fun morning with a quick trip to the store to get some ice and pink nail polish for the girls.

The part started at 1:00 at Bonner. Kat was so excited. Let’s see this is who was there:

Simon, Charlie


Matt, Johnny and Avery

Coleman, Will

Khan, Cairo

Monroe, Eli

Well I was setting up the table Kat went to swing on the tire with Alex and Sarah. She saw her dad pull up from across the play ground and came a running. It was time to get started. We ate cake and ice cream, opened presents and had a huge water balloon fight, we did over 100 balloons. We ended up staying until about 4:30 Heather and Rita were the last to leave. Cade and the boys ran around with butterfly nets catching bees. A young boy they just met caught about 20 bees in the net! Kat, Cairo and Will played on the slide for a long time.

Then we came home picked up their dad and went to Mackenzie River for dinner. We had ice cream sundaes for dessert. When we got home we stayed up late and played with some of the new toys. It was a really fun day.