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(12/24/2005) Christmas Eve 2005

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Christmas Eve…

Today there was not much snow left due to rain and warmer temperatures. But grandpa had promised Cade a ride on the snow cat and true to his word they left the driveway with snow and gravel flying behind them. Cade had a great time on the snow cat I think the smoke and noise was a little over whelming for him, but he enjoyed himself.

Finally it was starting to get dark outside, the big moment we had been anticipating was at hand. Kayla, Jordan, Rachel, Cade and I went in the back room so Kayla could read The Night before Christmas. Grandma knocked on the door to take a few pictures of us all on the bed when we heard bells outside the back bedroom window. They sounded like they were coming from up on the mountain side, you could hear a very faint ho ho ho then a bit later Merry Christmas to All… Kayla jumped from bed so quick saying Santa is here, down the hall she ran. Cade was a little more apprehensive he started to run out the door but stopped and looked a me and said, Kayla just ran down the hall. I think he was scared of seeing Santa plus if you see him he might not leave you any presents. I said it was o.k. and he took off running after Kayla. When they ran into the living room the tree was full of toys. Grandma said she thought there was something left on the deck so Kayla and Cade opened the front door to find Santa’s bag full of toys so they dragged it in the house with Cade screaming Santa was here Santa was here. They were both so excited opening all the presents.

I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family; the day was a perfect one. It was a magical night for the kids, fun was had by all.