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(06/07/2006) Learning to ride without training wheels

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June 1st, was the first day we took off the training wheels. Cade was a bit scared of the whole idea, but went along with it because his dad said he wouldn't let him fall.

So they went outside after dinner for about five minutes. Hank held onto the back of the seat and followed Cade down the street. Every night since then they have gone outside for at least 5 minutes, Cade says he is finished practicing about 5 minutes in. On the 6th was the first time Cade rode and straight line all by himself, and today he rode a straight line by himself and made the turn while his dad ran right next to him to make sure he didn't fall.

It has been a really cool site to watch as he learns to ride his bike. I can't believe how quickly he has figured it out. If it were up to me I would still have the training wheels on saying he wasn't ready for the move, but his dad was right.