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(08/16/2005) Rock climbing with Kayla

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Today Kayla came down from Bigfork to stay a couple of night with us.

Kayla arrived late in the day on a Tuesday, we hung out at the house for a bit and had some pizza then we were off. One of the first things we did was head over to the rock gardens to try our luck at rock climbing. It is definitely harder then it looks, but the kids both did great! After that we went to the park, and dairy queen. We ended the night watching movies that we had picked up at Holly wood video - The pacifier, and Winn-Dixie!

The next day we went to the mall during the day and in the afternoon we all went to a matinee "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" Kayla had already seen it, but wanted to see it again. None of us had seen it so it was a real treat. After that we all went out to dinner at China Garden. That evening we made a fort out of the entire living room.

On Thursday morning Rachel came by to pick up Kayla! We were sure glad she was able to stay with us. That was the first over night visit, and we all had a blast.