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(06/04/2011) Learning to Ride without training wheels

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Kat is fearless when it comes to trying new thing. Of course she has her amazing big bother to show her all the cool things she can do.

She was very excited to hear today was the day she was going to learn how to ride without training wheels. Hank has one rule when it comes to bike training - once the training wheels come off they don't come back on. Cade and I sat on the curb while Kat and her dad got into position. With some encouraging words she was off. Hank ran by her side the entire time with one hand on the back of the seat so he could catch her if she fell. They did this running back and forth for a while and by the end of the training session she could ride a bike! Hank is such an amazing father, husband and bike trainer extraordinaire.

The next day Kat was ready to get back out there! The two of them worked on how to turn the bike. By the end of the day I was standing on one side of the street with Hank on the other. Kat would do a figure eight as she rode her bike around the two of us. This was a great set up since she had the straight line figured out and now we were working on the turns. By the next day the two of them rode their bikes around the bloke together.

Now everyday Kat wants to go for a bike ride!