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(05/05/2006) Fairmont Hot Springs

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On Friday we took a trip to Fairmont Hot springs for the weekend. We picked Cade up after school on Friday and headed out towards Butte. Most of the time we were there we spent in the water. Which was a warm 94*! Cade and Hank tried out the hot tub, but it was a bit to hot for me to be hanging out in. Cade spent half the time in the water with his life jacket on, and half with it off. We brought a ball, and 1 noodle to play with. We all seemed to enjoy the noodle the most since you could just float while hanging on to it.

That night we went to Lydia’s in Butte for dinner which as always was wonderful! By the time we got back to the hotel and ready for bed it was 11, long day for Cade he was asleep in minutes once he stopped saying "I’m not even tired"

The next morning we had breakfast at the hotel and swam some more. Eventually we made our way to Butte to have lunch at Gamers as well as checking out the mineral museum. It was a relaxing night out even if it was for only one night.