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(05/30/2009) Cade's Seed Company

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Last fall Cade and his grandpa Donovan came up with a great idea during their annual visit in August. Cade’s Seed Company. During Cade’s 2nd grade year he was suppose to start working on drawing the seed packets and putting them together. As the school year was nearing an end we put it in high gear and the whole family started working on it. Cade drew all the pictures then we would send the pictures as well as the text to Grandpa Donovan. Once he had the packet ready he would email back to us. Then we would print, cut, fold and glue all the packets. We had:

White Daisy

Mom’s favorite yellow corn

Scary pumpkins

Montana columbines

Sunny sunflowers

Erika sold them at Walking Stick Toys. All the family bought some. We called grandma’s in California everyone was excited about the projects. Even Uncle Leroy on a trip to Missouri (I think that is where he was) sold some to family members for us. Cade and I did 2 farmers markets. On the first one we just sold the seed packets for $1, but Cade wanted to have some green on the table so we started planted pumpkin and sunflower seed to sell. 4 weeks later we did the market again and sold the seeds as well as the starters.

Through the whole process Cade paid for some of his expenses. He bought the paper and the corn seeds. All the other seeds were harvested the previous fall. I am not sure what the exact total was but it must have been around $200. Not bad for an 8 year old! We told him he could buy whatever he wanted to so he purchased a star wars Lego set which was around $118 (crazy!) and the wii game UP.

It was a great experience for Cade. He was so proud of what he accomplished, so proud as he told people what he was doing. We are so proud of him!