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(11/22/2005) The day we told Cade he was going to be a big brother

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Today we told Cade that he was going to be a big brother. It seems a bit early to be telling him since July is a long ways away for a four year old. But with Thanksgiving coming up and phone calls to family and friends we didn’t want him to hear the news second hand. So at dinner tonight when we were all sitting around the table we casually brought it up. I asked him if he knew where I went when he stayed at Sarah’s house earlier today. He said no, so I proceeded to tell him about my trip to the doctor. The doctor had some big news for us, that you are going to be a big brother. He sat quietly for awhile as he absorbed what I said looking back and forth at Hank and I then he put his arms in the air and yelled “Yeah!” Since he is four and seems to know everything these days he proceeded to say I already know the baby is in your womb and has an umbilical cord attached so the baby can eat. And that was that.

Later that night Cade asked Hank where the baby was going to sleep being sure to include hat he didn’t want to share his chair that he has in his room. Hank said it would all work out, and Cade went to bed. I was worried how are we to break the news that you are not only sharing your chair, but your room.

The next day Cade said I have a great idea we can get those beds that are on top of each other in my room. Since I will be the big brother I will sleep on the top plus babies don’t know how to climb a ladder. Of course we jumped all over that idea as a great idea. I felt much more relieved to know he was already making a space in our life for a new member of the family.

Since then every few days he brings up the idea of what if it is a girl or what if it is a boy. He is already telling people we meet about the new arrival, and always finishes it off with but the baby will not be coming for a really really long time.